Thursday, October 04, 2007

Where are my keys?

Have you ever seen an action movie where at some point in the story two people need to turn two keys simultaneously in order to activate something, launch a missile or some other plot device? I have and I can see how that applies to everything in life. Everything you want to do or want to accomplish in life usually takes one other person willing to turn the key with you in order to move ahead.

Hmmm... strange analogies seem to be one of my strengths.

This could apply to a job, even if you're self-employed, someone needs to purchase your ideas or pay for your time which means they have the second key. If I want to get a new job then I have to find someone willing to employ my skills. This can apply to relationships too, if one person turns the key and the other one does too then all is well... however if only one person turns the key then it can lead to disappointment and pain... another option is to make the other person turn the key, but I'm pretty sure that's a felony anywhere you go.

Granted, in a military sense two keys are required so that someone doesn't accidentally freak out and start nuking places, but I guess the analogy still applies. Who do you trust to turn the key in most (or all) situations with you? Can you rely on them to acknowledge their share of the responsibility if things go bad or share in the accolades when things go well?

Anyway, the point is almost everything in life needs two keys to be turned willingly otherwise you'll probably need a lawyer. I'm fairly law abiding and thus don't necessarily need a lawyer, but I really want one (based on personal experience).

1 comment:

allen etter said...

Good point. It took me years to find my other key turner.